Sometimes, one fine day, you need to realize you do not know what to do. But, honestly, you must be having lots of good things to do.  But you won’t find time or “procrastinate” those things.  To replace procrastinating, just kill that procrastination and write down what are all the bits of things you can do in this template.  Keep the sheet near you.  And whenever you think you do know what to do, just look at the sheet and do any one from it.  Yes just “any one” from it.  This can help make the time most useful and in a good way.   Download Things to do template when you do not know what to do

Things to do template when you do not know what to do

One Response

  1. hi My name is Osandi. This app is So good for kids. Thanks this app making. Plese kenowledge questions add this app.

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