World Hello Day :

World Hello Day :

World Hello Day is a national awareness day to promote peace. This secular holiday is celebrated on November 21, since 1973. The day began as a response to the Israel-Egypt conflict. It was first participated by more than 180 countries.

The purpose :

The primary purpose of World Hello Day is to promote personal communication, and thereby peace. It all starts with a simple ‘hello’. Participating in this World Hello Day is quite simple and easy. You should begin by sending a simple greeting of ‘hello’ to ten people. The reason is to bring the importance of personal communication, through which one can preserve peace.

The World Hello Day is celebrated on November 21. The 2016 World Hello Day is the 44th annual event of the World Hello Day.  Usually, people around the world use this occasion to express their grateful concerns towards world peace. Since the day begins with a simple greeting, it sends some encouraging words with a message to everyone. Using such a communication encourages to settle conflicts rather than to force it.

Among the people who recognized the value of this World Hello Day are the 31 winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. The World Hello Day was created with a view to make it possible for everyone in the world to contribute a small part within their social circle to create peace.

World peace is something that needs to be addressed with effort in this present world.

Achieving a peaceful world is possible only if we, as humans, join together.  Getting to a bond with new people can help it. If you prefer to participate in world peace, communication is the key. Peace comes through proper communication and not through violence with one another.

As a preparation for this World Hello Day, why not say a simple hello to new people and your old ones. If you want to show more involvement by saying hello in several different languages, you can use various online platforms as a means.

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