International Disability Day :

International Disability Day : (Brief Essay)

The International Day of People with Disability or the Disability Day is observed on December 3rd every year. The day is promoted by the United Nations organization since 1992. The focus of this day is to raise awareness about the rights of disabled people. This is a globally celebrated day, observed around the world.

Every year, the International Disability Day is celebrated with a theme. The 2016 theme is Achieving 17 Goals for the Future We Want. This year’s observance focuses on developing an inclusive and equitable world for disabled persons.

The primary aim of International Disability Day is to encourage better understanding of disabled people and their problem. The day aims at making those physically challenged people aware of their rights and dignity. The objective is to focus on every aspect of their social, economic, political, and cultural life. Disability day is not confined to mental and physical disabilities along, but includes Autism, Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis and every form of disability.

On this day, so many non-profit organizations and social activists strive for the welfare of disabled people, raising awareness. They conduct marathons, wellness programs and camps to integrate the life of disabled people with the greater community. They also hold discussions and forum related to disability. All such events help encourage the local community to participate and learn the problems of disabled.

Overall, the day aims to encourage the non-disabled persons about recognizing and accepting the disabled population. It provides a call-for to the community to establish an inclusive society, in terms of education, employment and other social activities. Many organizations fight for the rights of disabled and to end any form of discrimination.

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