My Family :

My Family : (Short Essay)

Who is the richest person in the world? One who has money and lands?  No. Wealthy is a man is surrounded by people who care for him. If this statement is true, then I am the richest person in the world. We live as a big family with our grandparents, uncles and their kids. There is nothing as enchanting as listening to our grandparents  words. I have learnt a lot, not only from my parents, but also from my uncles and aunts. We watch TV together everyday to ensure that we spend time with everyone, at least once in a day. There is a lot that we gain by being a part of a big family, and I am blessed to get such a family.

My Family : (Brief Essay)

We live in a town that is much far away from my school. My school is located in a city and it is very reputed in our locality. Since my school is far away, I do not have my friends nearby. But, I have never felt lonely.

My family is a very big one where my uncles and my parents live together. My grandparents passed away 2 years back.  Still, we feel their presence in our unity. The lessons they taught, the culture they transformed into our minds and discipline that they cultivated in our heads are very strong. Only with the help of our uncles and parents my cousins and I have been good in academics. They help us in our studies and we have excelled in academics.

Being together is fun. We have occasional tours and weekend outings. Recently we went to the Zoo in the city and we enjoyed seeing the animals. Last vacation, we went for a long trip to major destinations in North India. It was an unforgettable trip and we went to many historical places too.

Other than fun, we can learn a lot from each other.  When I am with my cousins, who are both elder and younger to me, I am able to gain a lot of insights. This enhances my thinking and I am able to fine tune myself. It is always good to be as a big family. This is why our ancestors lived such a lifestyle. Though generations have changed and most families are nuclear now, we should try to meet and spend time with our close ones once in a while.

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