Precipice by Daniel Pollock

Precipice, is a novel written by Daniel Pollock. It is an intriguing logistics thriller revolving around the protagonist, Jane Malcolm Akers. The story is set against the  backdrop of Gulf War. Jane, after her father’s death, attempts to rescue her family business. The plight is continued with action, mystery and adventure. The story turns into a thriller, interweaved with murder, sabotage and business mishaps.

Summary :

Jane Malcolm is a logistics consultant, who is working in Saudi Arabia for the United States Army. The story of Precipice starts with Jane learning about the accidental death of her father, Royal Akers, in a flight crash. She has been estranged from her father for years and now arrives at her hometown. In the funeral, she discovers the trouble in her family business, the Akers store chain. The slew of viruses and the mixed up logistics make the business computers worse. The family business reaches the verge of getting collapsed.

At that time, Roy Akers, who is Jane’s brother proposes to sell the company to one of the leading businessman, Tom Soveral. However, Jane is little reluctant of the decision and asks for a ten day time-period. Now she is left with little time to turn things around in the company in her favor.

The investigation story starts when Jane attempts to find the mystery behind the company problems. She leads into mysterious actions and breakthroughs. If not succeeded, she might end up Akers retail chain to be doomed forever. She and her rescue team race the clock to find the sources behind the problem in Akers superstore chain.

In the following days, there were unfavorable circumstances getting into her way. Meanwhile, she is called by the President of United States asking explanation for the involvement of Akers in the collapse of South Korean government. Exhausted by the happenings, she discovers that the rescue team had got through in resolving the problems. The team finds that it was not the slew of viruses that caused a mishap but a contrived sabotage. With the help of R.K. Singh, she successfully eliminates the infected viruses from her company computers and protects them.

Chevy Johnson becomes suspicious of Robert Grooms. The team finds out that he was the man behind all the sabotage. He had cleverly blackmailed the staff of Akers, Lenny Cristofaro, who is in the information technologies department to release the viruses into the system. Jane also finds out that her father’s death was not an accident, but a pre-planned one as the landing gear in the plane was found damaged intentionally. With the help of FBI, they track him and reveal all the mishaps. He was also the reason behind bringing down the collapse in Korean government. The story finally ends with all the criminals exposed to the police and Jane successfully saves the legacy of her father.

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