My Neighbour :

My Neighbour : (Short Essay)

Our happiness in life not only depends on the house and the members of our family. Happiness depends on the kind of people we are surrounded by. Thinking about this reminds me of my neighbor who is a great painter. In our apartment, we have many flats in our floor. The one who lives very next to our flat is a teacher who is also a painter. She is a great woman who also advises me and my sister on many things. Since my birth, she also has been with me and she is a mentor for me. I study in the school she teaches, and I have always seen her as a bold and motivating woman. I want to become a great and bold woman like her.

My Neighbour : (Brief Essay)

We all live in this world believing some where or the other people are loved and cared about. Such a belief begins in our house and prolongs to others who live around us.

We have heard about the commandment:

“Love Thy Neighbor”

This commandment is so true because we make a living which relies on people surrounded by us. We cannot live in loneliness; we cannot lead life with the help of family alone. When we live in a place, the neighbors are also important equally.

In such a context, we have a lovable family living nearby. Our families are friends for more than 20 years. I love their family too. When I was born, they also celebrated my birth. One year after my birth, a little one popped out in their family. We both have been together always. It is 12 years now, and we go everywhere together and we study in the same school.

We cannot imagine a happy life without their presence; so do they. We feel this bond as a great example that relationships are much important in life and how others can also come forward to help us in tough times. We have never fought with each other and that is how life has to be. We should always love our neighbors, because they are the one who can help us during crisis. Being in solitude will not lead to happiness; but getting along with others will definitely will lead to ecstasy.

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