To live is the Rarest thing in the World, Most People just Exist

To live is the Rarest thing in the World, Most People just Exist : (Short Essay)

Life is a great journey and it gets interesting only by the way we take up the journey. Some decide to sit/sleep during the journey whereas others make it worthwhile. Making our journey a beautiful one lies in our own hands. We can make our Life a great sense by our aspirations and inspirations. We should not decide to simply watch over others succeeding while still we can. We should realize that “To live is the Rarest thing in the World, Most People just Exist“. We would have also heard of the great proverb “Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss”. If we simply survive through a routine life, we will soon rust like unused iron and that is equivalent to living dead. So, we should make the best use of everyday and prove ourselves while we live. Living our life ahead of others and setting an example to others is a great job that we can do in our life.

To live is the Rarest thing in the World, Most People just Exist : (Brief Essay)

We are all here on Earth to make it a beautiful place to dwell in. But how many of us really make a living?

There is a lot of difference between living and existing. There are many people in this world who run a pointless life. A blunt life without a meaning cannot be considered a worthy one. Even animals exist. But by being so, what difference do we make between animals and us? We are named social animals; which means we are one step higher than them.

But there is a great saying of Oscar Wilde:

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

Yes. Life is much beyond simply surviving. He is great who breaks the boundaries and brings those beautiful flowers. If just surviving is the essence of life would the great inventions and discoveries we see, use and get to hear been happened?

We cannot simply live the same set of routines everyday and call it a life. We should think out of the box; try something new and do something great for our fellow beings. In fact, simply existing can also be considered living dead.

We should  not stay in one place, become stagnant and useless over a period of time. We should have our own desires LIVE and move ahead day after day. Only then we can realize the true meaning of life.

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