Hi Students, here you can find notes/article for the “Black Friday”  We have provided 4 lines as well as full page article.

4 lines on Black Friday :

The one thing that made the black Friday a much-hyped up day is that it brings in a behemoth of deals once in a year. People often stay waiting for the Black Friday to get the exclusive sales stuff at competitive prices. Recently, merchants have made the Black Friday deals enter the online market with so many websites today offering slashed up prices to drive more potential customers for their products.

Black Friday is certainly one of the greatest hype created in the recent years for shoppers during the festive season. Nowadays Black Friday sales are ahead of the exact day and start a week before itself. Apart from the Black Friday some of the other biggest sales days are Thanksgiving Day, Green Monday and Cyber Monday.

The reason for Black Friday to be called the way is that merchants gain the most profits on the day after Thanksgiving. There is no specific reason for the name ‘black’ but still, the accounts show gains in black ink and losses in red ink, and thus, to mark the highest gains on this day, it is called Black Friday. Actually, Black Friday is an internet term while traditionally, the day was mentioned as the ‘Day after Thanksgiving Sale’ or something similar in colloquial language.

Thus, Black Friday is a busy shopping day for a combination of reasons. Usually, the day is a pay-off for many following the Thanksgiving and so became a popular day to mark the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

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