Short and few lines about Mother’s Day

  1. A mother is someone who cares, nurtures and protects us no matter what the situation is. The first person who comes in our mind right from our childhood is our mother. A mother holds the most tribute of anyone else in the world. Such a person is celebrated all over the world on the 2 week of every May. For 2018, Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 13. Let us recall all that our Angel Mother has been doing for us and savor her on this wonderful day.
  2. Who could be more distinguished than a mother in this world? The answer is No one! A mother is incomparable because she wishes to be inseparable from her loving family. For a mother, there is nothing as valuable as her children. She would go to any degree to make her children happy and well mannered. May 13 of this year is celebrated as Mother’s Day for 2018. Paying the right honor to her is our duty, but that is not what she expects from us. Nevertheless, let us be thankful to the God in disguise and wish her abundant happiness in life on this wonderful day!
  3. Of all the treasures in the world, there is one that is alive and surmounting. Yes, a mother’s true love is unparalleled and the one that masters everyone in the world. There is definitely no better person who would have brought up a chap to what he is. No one else would have disciplined a person and brought the best out of him like she did. Only a selfless heart would have forgone all her wishes in order to fulfill each and every wish of her child. Such a devoted mother needs an accolade, she doesn’t ask for one though. Wishing all the wonderful mothers a Happy and Fabulous Mother’s Day! Thank You for all your absolute Love and Care!

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