My Aim in Life :

My Aim in Life : (Short Essay)

Aim is a target that every one has in life. Life becomes interesting only when  we have aims in life. Aim of a person differs from the aims of others. The greatest aim in my life is to become a famous cricketer. I want to gain fame, both for me and my country. Right now, I am playing and proving myself as the Best bowler in District Level. My parents are taking all efforts to support me to succeed in all levels of competitions. Though this is just a very young age to decide my destiny as Cricket my hard work will take me to National level in a few more years. I will definitely make my country feel proud of me.

My Aim in Life : (Brief Essay)

Life is a challenge that everyone has to face ourselves. Only when we prove our talents to the world we are considered successful in this competitive world. I have always been happy that I am good and very much talented in Cricket.

Cricket is a great sport that is very famous in our country. Ever since I have been watching Cricket I have wondered if I could become a great Sportsman one day. The world Famous Sachin Tendulkar is my inspirer.  His persistence and success stories are endless. He has been the center of our Team many times in many crucial matches.

Watching the matches and getting involved to the game till its end has helped me learn even the smallest tactics of the game. In our school, we have a special team of staff who identify special talents of Students. In that team, a staff recognized my talent in Cricket and started encouraging me to excel in Cricket. Since then I have been concentrating a lot in Cricket.

Every day I practice Cricket after my school hours. My parents are encouraging me a lot. They want me achieve and reach great heights in Cricket, The only advice they give to me often is that I should concentrate on Cricket and academics equally. Last year, I was selected as the Captain of our School Team. I feel this is the first step of my Success in Cricket. I will not quit till I reach the aim of my Life. My teachers and friends come and watch every match I play so that I get confidence and cheers to move ahead and ahead. One day, I will achieve and attain my aim in life.

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