5 Lines about Favorite Online Teacher

1. My favorite online teacher is ____________

2. She is very patient and aware of the online teaching methods.

3. Her online classes are engaging and very interactive just like normal classes.

4. She is a maths teacher and I love studying maths in her class.

5. Online sessions with my maths teacher is very useful to solve problems and she helps us on a need basis.

Short Essay on Favorite Online Teacher

I am studying at _____ school. Due to the pandemic, all classes have gone online. We learn from home through virtual online sessions for each subject. Among all the teachers who teach me online, my favorite teacher is ______. She teaches maths for us. She is very patient with all students during online sessions. We all pay more attention to the classes as it is very engaging and interactive. Our teacher takes care of all students according to their needs and helps us solve problems with ease. We have both live and offline classes that make our learning much better. During live sessions, we ask questions to the teacher and she answers each one of our doubts with patience. Since she makes the maths class very interesting for us, we love studying maths subject.

Long Essay on Favorite Online Teacher

The pandemic has forced all schools to move to online classrooms instead of regular classes. We study at __________ school. In our school, all classes are online. We use different apps like YouTube, Google classroom, Whatsapp, and Zoom for our online classes. Our school also has a dedicated online platform for studying lessons and conducting tests.

All of our teachers teach us through online platforms. Among them, my favorite teacher is ________. She teaches us Mathematics. We find maths very interesting to learn from her. She is very patient and dedicated to her teaching. We love maths subject as it is taught in an interesting way. Our online sessions with the maths teacher are very engaging and interesting. She helps us solve all our maths problems and teaches the concepts very nicely. She also gives regular homework to do, through which we get to practice maths. She is very receptive to our questions and helps us understand the subject better. She teaches us in an interactive way and helps students based on their needs. We are really happy to have a teacher like her in our school.

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