What makes a Good Man? :

What makes a Good Man? : (Short Essay)

We all would have heard about the saying “Sound Mind makes a Sound Body”. A clear mind is an outcomes of high values. Values are very important in order to lead a good life. A good man learns the values of life and spreads the same to everyone. Similarly, we should also learn and follow good habits like Cleanliness, Punctuality, Helping others and so on. Only when we mould ourselves to the best level we can reach great heights in life.  We should respect every human being as ourselves. Life is a challenge and winning it is possible with the right set of qualities. A good man is the root of a cultured society.

What makes a Good Man? : (Brief Essay)

Life is like a music. It needs the right orchestra to be delivered in the most pleasant manners. Here, the orchestra is the right set of habits and morals we have for ourselves.

Of all the values, Integrity stands first since it shows how good we are in the absence of people around us. No matter where we are and how many obstacles we faces, Integrity is the key to success. If we follow any wrong way to reach success it is sure we will meet failure one day.

Manners make a man. Without them, a person is considered not civilized too. So, as we meet more people in life we should try to humble to each one of them. Only when we are kind and good to our fellow beings, we can gain a good place in people’s hearts. If we are good enough to treat everyone equally despite their caste, creed, race and religion we can be a good example for a peaceful future.

We should have clean and neat habits that makes us look more disciplines. Our habits definitely express our nature. We can show ourselves as the best in a crowd by following the best manners. People always like to get along with the right people. And it is wise to choose to be right.

We should create new changes in the society and help to make our World a better place to live in. In any issue that our society faces, we should do our best to bring the solution to it. As students, we should excel and prove our capabilities. This would definitely a good start towards making ourselves a good personality.

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