Thomas Alva Edison – Inventions and Inspirations

Thomas Alva Edison is one of the famous American Inventors who is a great inspiration many people till date.  A great Prolific inventor who learnt himself through his visits to the Cooper Union, Thomas Edison holds 1093 patents in his name. Thomson’s success was because of his skills as a manufacturer, and businessman and marketer of his inventions to the public. The inventions of Thomas Edison have formed a great force of World today since he developed:

  1. Phonograph
  2. Motion Picture Camera
  3. Motion Picture Camera
  4. Light Bulb
  5. Alkaline Storage Batteries
  6. Telegraph
  7. Kinetograph

Born on February 11, 1847 in Milan (Ohio), Thomas Edison was a businessman too. Edison was the last child to his parents and he left his schooling in 1859 and started working thereafter in Michigan. Later, he also developed serious hearing problems that he got when he was infected with Scarlet Fever. Despite his hearing problem, Edison continued his inventions and even built a laboratory machine shop in Menlo Park in New Jersey.

Thomas Alva Edison is not famous only for his inventions but also the inspiration he has given to the world. Edison considered his mother has his great motivator and he followed the below words from her throughout his life:

he operated on four simple principles, taught to him by his loving mother:

Throughout his life, Edison made inventions keeping mind the goodness of people. When he demonstrated mechanism of incandescent light bulb to people he came up with a view that:

“Electricity can be made so cheap so that only rich will burn candles”

Though there are people who believe fortune, Edison stands as a lesson to many such people. A man who holds 1093 patents – still Edison believed that none of his inventions came by accident. He strongly believes each and every invention he made was a result of his hard work.

When people all around the world criticized that Edison failed 1000 times to make an Electric Bulb, he came up with a positive thought:

” I have not failed 1000 times, I have just found 1000 ways an electric bulb should not be made”

Edison’s success was always the outcome of his attitude. He never considered what he did as work; for him work was fun. That is how we have to take over life and such a great man Thomas Edison died of  of diabetes on October 18, 1931 ( at the age of 84). Commemorating the death of the great hero who set the stage of Modern Electric World, a lot of communities and corporations dimmed lights and turned off their electrical power on that day.

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