This sweet reading comprehension is for the Grade kids.  The students will read about a bear eathing honey.

Please download the PDF A bears sweet treat Reading Comprehension for Grade 2


A bear’s sweet treat

One day a bear found a jar of honey. He was so excited! He ate and ate until the jar was gone. After eating all the honey, the bear felt very sleepy. He lay down and took a long nap. When he woke up, the bear was covered in sticky honey! His eyes were stuck shut, and he couldn’t move his arms or legs. The bear was stuck in the honey! He finally managed to wiggle free and went off to take a bath. Afterward, he was a very clean and happy bear.

  1. What did the bear find?
  2. How did the bear feel after eating all the honey?
  3. Why was the bear covered in sticky honey?
  4. How did the bear get unstuck from the honey?
  5. Was the bear happy in the end? Why or why not?

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