A Calm Sea does not Make a Skilled Sailor :

A Calm Sea does not Make a Skilled Sailor : (Short Essay)

Like a piece of iron becomes a mighty sword only when it is beaten, we get shaped only through tough experiences in life. Life is a competition and winning it is not so easy. In life, the lessons we learn through experience would be much expensive. They would take a lot of efforts and pain from us. But, it is undeniable that a person becomes more capable at the end. In any field, an expertise would have faced many challenges that made him stand apart from others. Like how a Calm Sea does not make a Skilled Sailor, a task without challenges does not make a perfect man.

A Calm Sea does not Make a Skilled Sailor : (Brief Essay)

We all would have seen ships and boats sailing in ferocious seas. While seeing such boats, one thing we can infer is that no matter what a sailor sails his boat into the sea; because that is his job. He is skilled at it and he goes against the mighty tides courageously. This does not mean that he was an expert on the first day he sailed his boat into the sea. He would have faced so many challenges and overcome all his fear to do so. At the end, it is the forceful tides that made him a skilled sailor; thus, a calm sea does not make a skilled sailor.

The same holds true in everyone of our life. We all fear to face difficult path in life. We sometimes wonder why someone would take a thorny path while there is an easy path to attain a target. Robert Frost explains this beautifully in his poem “The Road Not Taken”. In the poem, he explains 2 such roads he sees in a yellow wood and brings into vision how they both appeared to him. At the end, he completes the poem with the lines:

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

So are the options that we have in our life. Only when we take the options that are less preferred, we can make a difference. That is how we shine like a star in front of others. We should never end up thinking that an easy way gives faster results. It is better to remember in such times that “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”.

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