A Case Study On Vardah Cyclone :

As we all know, disasters hit the world in an extreme level nowadays. Having a good idea on the disasters and their after effects is much essential in current scenario.

One of the recent shocks of India, especially Chennai is the Vardah Cyclone.

What Happened – How Did Vardah Hit Chennai?

It all started with a low pressure area created in Malay Peninsula and the Sumatra region that adjoins it. The same was moving towards the Southeast of Bay of Bengal. Obviously, this low pressure area created a tropical disturbance.

Starting slowly, the cyclone reached a peak on December 11 – (Winds moving violently in the speed of 130 Km/hr with a minimum central pressure of 982 hpa) and so continued the violent storms for the next 2 or 3 days.

The name Vardah was given by Pakistan and it means Red rose in Urdu.

Vardah – After effects:

People were supported during Vardah:

The people who were affected by Vardah were uninterruptedly supported by The Indian Armed Forces. Also, many teams belonging to the National Disaster Relief Force were deployed in coastal regions. The losses were huge but people helped each other to bring up the situation to a normal state.

Lessons Learnt From Vardah:

A new and worst experience to people of South India, Vardah Cyclone has much to educate people on Do’s and Dont’s during a Cyclone:



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