Random Verb Generator

This tool randomly generates verbs along with their various forms, including the Present Verb, Past Tense form, Past Participle form, and the “ing” form. You can select a number between 1 and 10 to generate that many verbs with their associated forms instantly.

Whether you’re a teacher or a student, this tool allows you to access all of this information with just a click.


Present : Climb Past : Climbed Past Participle : Climbed ing form of Verb : Climbing


Present : Carry Past : Carried Past Participle : Carried ing form of Verb : Carrying


Present : Recur Past : Recurred Past Participle : Recurred ing form of Verb : Recurring


Present : Consist Past : Consisted Past Participle : Consisted ing form of Verb : Consisting


Present : Continue Past : Continued Past Participle : Continued ing form of Verb : Continuing

If you are a teacher,

Using a Random Verb Generator can be a fun and creative way to engage your students in various learning activities. Here are some ideas on how you can incorporate a Random Verb Generator into your teaching:

  1. Vocabulary Building:
    • Have students use the Random Verb Generator to generate a list of verbs they are not familiar with.
    • Ask them to look up the meanings of these verbs and create sentences or short paragraphs using each of them.
  2. Writing Prompts:
    • Use the Random Verb Generator to generate a verb that serves as the central theme for a writing prompt.
    • Students can then create a story, poem, or essay using that verb in a meaningful context.
  3. Grammar Practice:
    • Create sentences with blanks and have students fill in the blanks with verbs generated by the tool. This can help reinforce grammar rules related to verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, etc.
  4. Role-Playing and Improvisation:
    • Assign each student or group of students a randomly generated verb.
    • Have them create a short skit or role-play incorporating that verb. This can enhance their creativity and improvisation skills. (It is a kind of complicated one, but yet you can try)
  5. Language Games:
    • Integrate the Random Verb Generator into language games. For example, in a vocabulary quiz, ask students to use a randomly generated verb in a sentence or to come up with synonyms and antonyms for the given verb.
  6. Daily Warm-Up Activities:
    • Begin each class with a quick warm-up where students generate a verb and share how they could incorporate that verb into their day or a specific scenario.
  7. Discussion Starters:
    • Use the Random Verb Generator to spark class discussions. Generate a verb, and ask students to share their thoughts or experiences related to that verb.
  8. Homework Assignments:
    • Assign homework tasks where students need to use the Random Verb Generator to create sentences or short passages. This reinforces their independent learning and creativity.
  9. Exam Preparation:
    • Include verb-related questions in quizzes or exams to test students’ understanding of how verbs function in different contexts.

Remember to adapt these ideas to suit the age group, language proficiency, and specific learning goals of your students. Using tools like a Random Verb Generator adds an element of surprise and variety to your teaching methods, making learning more engaging and enjoyable for students.