We all would have come across this term recently – Cashless Economy.

What is Cashless Economy?

An economy that highly relies cards or digital transactions throughout the country can be called a Cashless Economy. In such an economy, the flow of physical money in and out will be minimal.

Why Cashless Economy?

In the month of November 2016, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi came up with a scheme in order to cut down the movement of black money in our society. He did this by blocking the use of Rs. 500 notes and Rs. 1000 notes and introducing new Rs. 2000 notes. Through this scheme, he believed a lot of black money that is invisible can be brought out.

Following this, he also introduced the scheme Cashless Economy. The advantages and disadvantages of Cashless Economy are:

Advantages :

Disadvantages :

With the pros and cons in hand, we can come up with an idea what changes would welcome a Cashless Economy. We need to adapt ourselves and help towards those changes to curb Black Money from our country.

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