A compound word is a word that is made up of two or more smaller words. When we combine these smaller words together, we create a new word with a new meaning. For example, when we put the words “rain” and “bow” together, we get the word “rainbow,” which is a colorful arch that appears in the sky after it rains.

Some compound words are easy to understand because we can see the two smaller words clearly, like “baseball” or “cupcake.” But some compound words are more tricky, like “watermelon” or “flashlight,” because we can’t easily see the two smaller words that make them up.

Overall, compound words are a fun and interesting part of the English language. They allow us to create new words and meanings by putting smaller words together. And as we learn more and more compound words, we can become better readers and writers.

Some example compound words,

  1. Airport
  2. Bookcase
  3. Candybar
  4. Doorknob
  5. Earring
  6. Flashlight
  7. Grandfather
  8. Haircut
  9. Icecream
  10. Jellyfish
  11. Keyboard
  12. Lighthouse
  13. Mailbox
  14. Newspaper
  15. Pancake
  16. Quarterback
  17. Rainbow
  18. Skateboard
  19. Toothpaste
  20. Watermelon
  21. Basketball
  22. Campfire
  23. Dishwasher
  24. Earthquake
  25. Firework
  26. Grapefruit
  27. Homework
  28. Keyboard
  29. Lighthouse
  30. Moonlight
  31. Newspaper
  32. Playground
  33. Raincoat
  34. Skateboard
  35. Sunflower
  36. Teapot
  37. Thunderstorm
  38. Wallpaper
  39. Wastebasket
  40. Eggplant

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