5 lines on Female education

Female education is important for nation’s progress and development.
The education of women will improve the family economy and benefit the future generation.
Poverty and gender discrimination remains the causes for low female literacy in India.
Girl children should be given equal access to education as boys.
Educating a women means educating the entire family.

Short essay

Women are central to a community’s progress. The role of education in women’s life is important to improve the socio-economic position of the families and the country. However, there is inequality in education system that denies access to education for girl children. Providing quality education to women will contribute to the nation’s progress and development. Poverty and ignorance are reasons that prevents girl children from obtaining the education. High levels of female education is necessary for their wellbeing and development of families. Educated mothers can raise educated children. Lack of education in mothers will hinder the academic progress of the children and their future success. So, Gender equality in education has to be implemented strongly to increase the literacy rate of girls in the country.

Long essay

There is a saying, ‘the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world’. It means that mothers have a vital role in the development of the nation. When the mother in the family is educated, it improves the wellbeing of the family and the child’s education. It is important for women to be educated. There are so many girl children in our country deprived of basic education because of various reasons like poverty, lack of access to education, gender discrimination, etc. Residential status, parents’ attitude, lack of money, female health issues are also other factors contributing to the low level of female education in rural areas. There is inequality in access to education for female students as many are left to do household chores.

Female education is important for the growth and development of a nation. Without educating the females of the nation, you cannot bring awareness about education to the next generation. Female education will also help increase the income level of the family. When we provide quality education to women, it will help the family and the nation in a meaningful way.

It is important that the government take measures to improve the educational status of women in the country by making education freely accessible to all sectors of population. Educated mothers can help their children in productive educational activities and enhance their academic capabilities.

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