Global Warming:

Global Warming:(Short Essay)

Global Warming, shortly, can be explained as the slow and steady rise in earth’s surface temperature. Having exploited the earth since many years, we have started seeing the effect of the same as Global Warming. Global Warming happens due to three main reasons: Deforestation, utilizing earth’s resources like Oil, Coal and Natural Gas, and emission of methane and nitrous oxide. As an effect of all these actions, climate changes have started taking place. Most of the wildfire would destroy many forests and sea levels would rise day by day. The only solution to stop the big disaster is reducing Global Warming emissions as soon as possible.

The following is a brief essay about Global Warming.

Global Warming is the most alarming environmental crisis in the world now. Global Warming can be defined as the increase in the average surface temperature of earth. Human kind has somehow managed to utilize the natural resources of Mother Earth to its best and put its life at stake for itself.

Global Warming happens due to three major reasons:

Deforestation : Cutting of trees or clearing forests for wood and accommodation. This increases the amount of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Emission of Carbon dioxide beyond the normal level increases Global Warming.

Burning Fossil Fuels : Burning Fossil fuels like Coal, Oil and Natural gas leads to the overloading of CO2 in the atmosphere which again stands as a reason for Global Warming.

Waste Management : Certain processes like Waste Management releases gases like Methane and Nitrous Oxide which are potential enough to induce Global Warming.

The impacts of Global Warming are huge and unavoidable; the following impacts can be seen as a result of Global Warming:

The immediate solution for the great global disaster is to create awareness among the people and stop the emission of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as soon as possible; and as much as possible.

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