Hard Work vs Smart Work

Hard Work vs Smart Work : (Short Essay)

Working towards success needs a lot of planning before executing. Deciding on the right way to perform a task is inevitable. Smart Workers are people who use the right strategy to reach the end point easily. Hard workers are people who get noticed by everyone. In reality, both Smart Work and Hard Work are important to gain popularity in any field. Any person who has proven to be smart would have started his or her career / performed in examinations because of Hard work in the beginning. Hard Work, in fact, gives people more sense of curiosity to taste victory.

Hard Work vs Smart Work : (Brief Essay)

We would have seen people debating in many places – “Does Smart Work leads to Success or Hard Work leads to Success?” It’s a right topic that needs an insight because people get confused on their approach in performing tasks.

Smart Work helps a person complete a task efficiently – more work in less hours with less resources and reduced efforts.

Hard Work, also, helps a person to complete a task successfully – but time consumption will be more and there is no assurance if the task can be completed with less resources. The person who does hard work has to put a lot of efforts to complete a task.

In short, with Hard Work we can complete a task successfully; but in order to gain fame among people and get recognition Smart Work matters a lot. Smart Workers prioritize their tasks, complete the most important ones first and the rest later. This makes their job easy since they can act towards a solution depending on the priority. Smart Work lets you understand the time consume even before performing the task. With a plan on what needs to be done, Smart Workers reach the success pole soon. In a sense, working hard in a smart way will lead to success in any task assigned to us.

So, be it school, college or job we should learn how to complete a task in less time with less resources and at the same time reach end point without flaws. We should continually improve our Interpersonal Skills, Communication Skills, Time Management Skills and many more skills to apply our Smart Work and Hard Work in the right places in the right way at the right time.

12 Responses

    1. Both are needed. IMO, one has to first start the hard work. Smartness arrives at things that need to be repeatedly done. Repeating tasks should be done in a smarter way.

    1. When we are young, we should work hard. As the age grows, We need to evolve and make things work smarter. That is important too.

  1. Definitely Every one has to from hard work only because there are lot of things has to learn from young age but when you get trained or habituated and finds out lot of other ways to complete it then it turns in smart work. Try to build smart works always but never forget your Hard work because its your 1st step also respect hardworking people and never show them down and try to help them how they can shift to smart work.

  2. In my opinion, hard working ain’t good as smart working because smart people get what they want faster than those who work hard

  3. As the website said about the hard work and smart work as mine was hard work if we work hard we will get some rewards even we do smart work something we may go wrong so I will tell that hard work is more importance

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