Healthy Food vs Junk Food :

Food is a vital part of our life. Life is not possible without food. While food is very important in life, what is really important cannot be simply Food, but Healthy Food. Only when we plan what we eat, we can make sure we are running  a healthy life.

We would have heard about saying like:

“An Apple a day keeps the Doctor Away”

“He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors”

and so on. These sayings insist on the importance of having the right kind of food. Only when we eat the right kind of food in the right amount at the right time, we can lead a healthy life. Only when we have a healthy food pattern every day we can lead a fresh routine on a daily basis.

We might be really wondering that though healthy food is important for a good life, is it possible to eat them alone always. Nowadays, we see a lot of junk foods in most of the restaurants. It is very human to start loving tasty food when compared to healthy food. But keeping ourselves strong towards making ourselves fit by having healthy food is a good habit.

What does healthy food contain?

It might be difficult to accept eating healthy food that is bitter (or) sour (or) spicy. We might feel healthy food is not necessary on a daily basis. But, it is significant to understand that healthy food contains the right amount nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other essentials when had in the right proportion.

A balanced diet will help us  to keep ourselves healthy always in life. Healthy Food not only give essential nutrients, but also generally:

What Does Junk Food Contain?

While healthy food are good in every means, eating junk food lacks all the essential nutrients. Once we eat Junk Food we might feel satisfied and full. But in reality, Junk Food gives us a sleepy feeling which is because the unwanted fat gets accumulated in the inner walls of arteries.

Also, it is very common and known that one of the major problem the world faces because of Junk Food is – Obesity. Studies also prove that even many school children are obese or overweight. Nowadays, school kids also prefer Junk Food over Healthy Food. Children are easily attracted by taste and colorful appearance of the Junk Food. Eating junk food namely:

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