The following letter can be used by grades 8 to 12th.  If you are on higher grade, I strongly recommend you to use good vocabulary and long sentences to impress the teachers.


(Write your name here)
(Your Address)
(Zip Code)


The District Collector
(Zip Code)

Subject: Regarding Loudspeaker Issue in our (name of the colony)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I write this letter to express my concern and annoyance over the problem of loudspeakers during the examination days.

I am a 10th grade student. The final examinations are just around the corner. The students in my area are preparing very hard for the examinations. Some people in our area are using loudspeakers to play songs and speeches in high pitch.  They are continuously playing from morning 6 AM to 11:30 PM.  So, I could not not find time to focus fully on my studies.  It is tough for me to memorise things as I am distracted by the noise.  We have more old age seniors in our area.  This is unbearable for them too.  I thought this noise pollution will stop in a few days.  But, it does not look like this.  Hence, on behalf of all the students, old age people and kids, I appeal you to kindly look into the matter and ensure the ban of loudspeakers.

In spite of the laws, those who use loudspeakers do not understand the annoyances of it. So, I am hopeful you will take prompt action in this regard.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,

(your signature)

This letters gets completed here.

There are multiple reasons to ban loudspeakers in a city or color or in an area.  For example, suppose, if it is a election time, the following paragraph can be used in the letter.

The election and examination are at the same time.  As the election date is nearing, the high pitch of loudspeakers is increasing too.  The political parties should be aware of the laws, yet, they do not care about them.

Suppose, if it is about religious activities, the letter can include the below paragraph,

Every year, in the February month, some religious activities are done in my area.  Those activities are fine and good for all.  But, at the same time, the religious committee are using loudspeakers to play songs in high pitch.

Suppose, if it is about old age people, kids and Ashrams, the letter can include the below paragraph,

Generally, our colony is calm and harmonious.  So, we have about 2 Ashrams and 1 old age home here.  Some people in our area are using loudspeakers and they completely distract us all by making noise pollution the whole day and night.  It has a very high impact on the old age people and ashram people.  The old age people are vulnerable to cardiac related problems and the noise can make it worse.

In general, for the sake of banning loudspeakers according law, the letter can include the below paragraph,

The laws clearly state that loudspeakers cannot be used for any purpose.  Whether it is religious related, election or any other community activity, as per law, loudspeakers should not be used.  But, in my colony, some people are using and disturbing the whole community.  So, I request you to ban the usage of loudspeakers in the whole city.

Ok Students, I hope the above letter and other formats are useful to you.  Suppose, if you need any other reason to state, please comment and we can add them here in the future,


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