Letter Writing is not a difficult task if you understand the format. Below is a sample of letter which can be used while writing a Letter to Mother on Women’s Day (and other such informal letters)

The parts of the letters marked in blue require your details; so fill in appropriate information while writing the letter.


(Write your name here),
(Address 1 ),
(Address 2)
(Zip Code).

Dear Mother,

Hope you are doing good.

I know you are on a busy schedule. Yes, on a busy schedule looking after all of us, all through the day. But, now is time to thank you for all that you have given to me.

You are the one who gave birth to me; your selfless care right from day 1 has not reduced yet. You are the Hero of my life. You are the one who taught me to handle my life at the toughest moments.

This year, I have been elected as the School Pupil Leader in my school. My leadership skills are what you have encouraged and the same has given me proud moments in my school life. O My Dear Mentor, you are the one who is the backbone of my success in every speech competition and you are the root of my dreams. If I rewind all the 15 years I have lived on Earth, you are the one who has made each and every moment of my life colorful

I know it is a special day for every woman in this world; but the tribute of success in my life goes to the most special woman of my life. It is You – I Love You My Dear Mother.

Happy Women’s Day!

With all my love,

Yours Lovingly,

(Your Name)

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