Mahatma Gandhi :

Mahatma Gandhi : (Short Essay)

The most memorable leader of our Freedom Struggle is Mahatma Gandhi. Notably called as “Mahatma” Gandhi, his name by birth was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandhar, Gujarat. Professionally a lawyer, who pursued his graduation in Law from London, Mahatma Gandhi after his return to India, was the greatest force for the Indian Independence Movement. He insisted people the importance of Swaraj (Self Rule). He motivated the Indians, as the Congress Leader during Pre-Independence period, to fight the British through Non-Violence. Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is celebrated all over India as “Gandhi Jayanthi” and he is called
the “Father of The Nation”

Mahatma Gandhi – Father of The Nation : (Brief Essay)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a preeminent leader in our Freedom fight, is called famously as “Mahatma Gandhi”. Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandhar, in Gujarat which is a north western state in India. Gandhiji, who was the great Congress leader led the Indian Independence Movement and inspired the Indians to run peaceful strikes. This is the reason for Gandhiji being called as “Mahatma” (meaning “Great Soul”). Though the part of Mahatma Gandhi cannot be shortly described, a few notable movements and actions that made Gandhiji an inspiration for many Indians are:

Mahatma Gandhi tried to cultivate the thought of “Swaraj” (Self Rule) in the minds of Indians.
Mahatma Gandhi gave the way to all Indians to gain Independence through Non-violence and peaceful resistance.
Mahatma Gandhi put out his “Swadeshi Policy” to boycott foreign goods and start using our Indian goods instead.
Mahatma Gandhi led the Indians in the Salt Satyagraha (Salt March to Dhandi) when, in 1930, the British introduced tax on Salt.
Mahatma Gandhi insisted on Women empowerment and was totally against Child marriage, “Sati” system, and oppression of Hindu Widows. Gandhiji also preached people that “Untouchability is a sin”.

Apart from the above, there are immeasurable guidance and support that Mahatma Gandhi gave to the Indians throughout. Mahatma Gandhi is described as “Father of The Nation” and his birthday is celebrated as “Gandhi Jayanthi” in our country every year. His birthday is declared a National Holiday in our country. Also, Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is commemorated as the “International Day of Non-violence” all over the world.

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