The following content helps you to write “Promotion acceptance email” to your CEO.  In this mail, the promotion is “Senior Manager” and you glad and excited to take the new position.  Additionally you thank for the people who has been continuously supporting you.  Here comes the mail,


Respected Sir,

I am very much pleased to receive your mail today for the Senior Manager promotion in the Technical Operations Department. I am glad and excited to take on the promoted position at our new concern, {CopperTel Enterprises Pvt. Ltd located in Texas}. With great pleasure, I accept this new position in our company and it is a great recognition of my services to the organization.

I hereby, send you this letter of acceptance declaring my espousal to the organization. As per our discussion, I can take on the new duty and responsibility from the following month.

I would like to thank my higher officials, colleagues and my staff for supporting me in all critical times and this promotion would not be possible without your support.

I am very thankful and overwhelmed by this promotion and looking forward with enthusiasm to take on such a great responsibility and meet new challenges.

Thank you once again.


{your name}

With {your name} the mail gets completed.

Please remember to replace those {xxxxxxxxx} words inside braces with your needs. There may be some additional places that need to be updated too. It is your preference only.

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