Good morning everyone. On this special occasion of ________ (please add name of event here), I am glad to present my speech on soldiers. We all know about the hardships of soldiers who fight for our country. We emphasize and praise their selflessness for the country. But little do we know about their life.

Soldiers are the true patriot of every country. In India, the Indian army has more than 1 million soldiers in its military operations. Indian soldiers form part of one of the outstanding armies in the world. They fight against internal threats and external aggression to maintain peace and security in the country. Their main focus is to ensure national security and national unity.

Soldiers are indeed the greatest asset to the nation. They protect the citizens of the country, at the cost of their own lives and family. They are supposed to fulfill the nation’s challenging duties and should possess exceptional qualities and dedication to become a great soldier. Even though their lives are tough filled with hardships, they owe to do their duties.

The soldiers of the country are the reason for the peace and harmony within the country. While the entire nation sleeps peacefully, soldiers serve the country at the borders without any selfish motive. Their love for the motherland is usually the reason to join the army. Most soldiers are voluntarily involved in serving the country. They strive to protect the nation facing numerous problems and risking their lives. Furthermore, soldiers safeguard the honor of the country. When an adversary arises, they give the best. Even if it is giving their life to save the country, they do it willingly and happily. Besides, soldiers need to be alert at all times and are never off duty. Even when they are not on the battlefield, they stay vigilant throughout.

The duties of a soldier do not confine to the national borders. They take responsibility for maintaining peace and harmony throughout the country. They are asked to take charge in case of emergencies and natural calamities to ensure a safe environment. Whether it is a terrorist attack or any rescue operations, they handle situations carefully and attentively to bring it under control.

Indian army is a part of national power alongside Air force and Navy. Soldiers are the heroes of the country, and their love and patriotism are beyond measure. They are ready to sacrifice their lives and family for protecting the nation’s pride. Since our nation’s safety and protection are totally dependent on soldiers, we should respect and honor them. They are the ones who lay down their lives in the service of the nation. With due respect, we should salute their patriotism.

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