The Tempest is a tragicomedy play written by William Shakespeare. The story is a fictional narrative belonging to the literary genre of Shakespearean Romance. The play is believed to be written around 1610–11 AD. The story revolves around the life of a sorcerer Prospero and his daughter Miranda.

About the Author :

William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest dramatists. He is mentioned as English national poet. Shakespeare’s plays often capture the wire arena of human emotions and internal conflicts. The works of Shakespeare are widely performed plays around the world for a period of more than 400 years.

Summary :

Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, is stranded by his brother, Antonio, for twelve years. The play is set on a remote island, where Prospero and Miranda are abandoned when she was three-years old. Prospero is a magician and plots to use his sorcery skills for revenging his brother and conquer his rightful throne.

Antonio and his coordinates are sailing in a ship, on their way back to Italy, after attending Alonso’s daughter wedding. Prospero uses his invisible fairy, Ariel to strikes a storm and demolish the ship. When Miranda looks at the shipwreck from the island, she urges her father to save them with his magical powers. It is then he explains to her the past betrayal and how they landed up in the remote island with the help of Gonzalo. In the island, Prospero saves the imprisoned Ariel, who now works on his orders. Ariel is a sea nymph, invisible to all but Prospero. Ariel serves him so that he will free him one day. Prospero had also enslaved the island’s inhabitant, Caliban, the son of Sycorax, a witch. Prospero assures that everything will be fine and it is time to make things right once for all.

After the shipwreck, Antonio and his team are cast up unharmed on the island. Everyone is separated from each other so that Prospero can manipulate them. Ferdinand, the son of Alonso meets Miranda and they both fall in love immediately. Prospero, though happy for his daughter’s future, reprimands their encounter and imprisons him. When Ariel asks for his freedom, Prospero promises to free him once he does several things for him.

As a result, Ariel leads Antonio and his team towards Prospero in the island. During this ordeal, Antonio conspires with Sebastian to kill Alonso for becoming the next king. On the other subplot, Caliban takes charge of the court jester, Trinculo, and a boisterous butler, Stephano, for overthrowing Prospero. When they set forth to Prospero’s cell to assault him, Ariel reports of the plan. When they arrive at the place, they are chased away by goblin spirits in the form of dogs.

Prospero finally releases Ferdinand from imprisonment and gives blessing for their marriage. On their betrothal, he decides to forgive his brother and those who tried to kill him. Ariel takes the form of a harpy and condemns the three sinners for betraying Prosperous. They start feeling guilty for their deeds.

Finally, Prospero makes Ariel bring everyone to his cell. He renounces his magic to reveal his true self to everyone. He forgives everyone including his brother. They all prepare for a return while Prospero introduces Miranda and Ferdinand, who is believed to be dead. The sailors arrive with news of their ship safe at the island. Ariel is set free and Caliban is given his island. The final celebration marks the marriage and Prospero’s restoration to his dukedom.

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