Welcome Speech on First day of School

Respected principal and Vice principal,

Beloved staff and my dearest students

A very good morning to each and everyone of you

It is indeed a great scene to see all of you gathered in the morning assembly after a very long while away I have always questioned myself

What is so special about success? Why can’t I be second or third in anything I do? Is it necessary to be successful always

I would say yes Success gives you fame and fame gives you notable status

Now, what is the secret of success?

If we dig and explore the secret of success there is only one mantra behind it

“Patience and Perseverance”

All great leaders have reached victory through constant Perseverance. Famous scientists and sports persons never gave up and stood with patience till they tasted victory.

It is rightly said that “Anything well begun is half done”. Similarly I cannot deny that anything that is started with positive attitude is already done

So as you all enter your classes today make a list of even the smallest ideas that take to the path of success

And, I am sure we are here to guide you in the same all the way

Respect your parents, Obey your teachers and Believe in yourself

Wish you all a grand and successful year

Welcome you all once again

Thank you

Have a nice day

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