{"id":4824,"date":"2020-03-17T09:46:07","date_gmt":"2020-03-17T09:46:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/whatistheurl.com\/?p=4824"},"modified":"2020-03-17T12:00:56","modified_gmt":"2020-03-17T12:00:56","slug":"things-not-to-do-before-exams-or-tests","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/whatistheurl.com\/things-not-to-do-before-exams-or-tests\/","title":{"rendered":"Things Not To Do Before Exams or Tests"},"content":{"rendered":"

Exams are around the corner now and students are on their nerves to prepare well for the exams. It is actually the time when students feel nervous and not able to concentrate on the studies. Having the right mind to face the exams will help students overcome fear and ace the exams well. However, there are certain things that must be avoided before exams.<\/p>\n

Health is important<\/h3>\n

Always keep an eye on your health. Make sure to consume only healthy snacks and avoid junk foods before exams. Your health is more important and you need to take care of it. Eating unhealthy foods can hinder your exam performance. Foods like greasy meals or junk foods can upset your stomach, causing vomit, indigestion, or other physical issues that can affect your studies. Also eating ice creams or chilled foods can cause cold or fever, which will make you incapable of studying or even writing the exams. It is best to avoid them before a week itself. Because upset of stomach or other health problems can severely affect the mind too. Prevention is better than cure. However, do not stress more about prevention. Just focus on study.<\/p>\n

Avoid Travelling<\/h3>\n

Last-minute travelling before exams must be avoided at all cost. Because Trains or flight can change timings and it can affect your exam schedule. If you have own transports like cars it may be fine. But still, it is better to avoid any mishap.<\/p>\n

Avoid heavy Sports<\/h3>\n

Recreational activities are good; but not before the exams. Avoid playing active sports activities like hockey, cricket, football, volleyball, or basketball. There are possibilities that you could hurt your hands or cause harm to your physical health. However, to refresh your mind, you can play indoor games like Chess or similar games. But avoiding physically hurting games is a good idea.<\/p>\n

No Extra-curricular Activities<\/h3>\n

Exam time is just for studies and you need to focus only on that. Take full responsibility only for studies. If you are enrolled to go to music classes or other activities, it is better to avoid them all before exams. Even if it is just for one hour or so, it can waste your time and energy to study.<\/p>\n

Be responsible<\/h3>\n

It might be exhausting to study. But still waking up early and studying is necessary. Most students just hit the snooze button in alarms and postpone their studying schedule. That lazy habit can make you drowsy and remove the mood to study. So, always stick to your studies and act right. More than everything, just study and give your best. The results will always be greater.<\/p>\n