After our sucessful post with 25 different phrases with example sentences We are now releasing prepositional phrases with examples.

Here is a list of 25 plus prepositional phrases in English with examples.  Most of these phrases are common in English.

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that includes a preposition and its object. The preposition is a word that typically shows direction, such as “in,” “on,” or “with.” The object is the noun or pronoun that the preposition represents. Prepositional phrases can function as adjectives or adverbs in a sentence. For example, “The dog is in the yard” uses the prepositional phrase “in the yard” as an adjective to describe the location of the dog. “He ran with excitement” uses the prepositional phrase “with excitement” as an adverb to describe how he ran.

  1. Discriminate againstTreat differently
    Example: It’s wrong to discriminate against someone because of their race or gender.
  2. divided intoDivide something to make something
    The cake is divided into eight pieces.
    The teacher divided the class into two groups.
  3. Enter intoto start
    After careful consideration, I’ve decided to enter into a new business venture.
    I’m excited to enter into a new stage in my life.
    We entered into an agreement that would benefit both of us.
  4. Believe inTo have trust in a concept or to trust
    I believe in treating others the way I want to be treated.
    I believe in working hard for what I want.
  5. Engage inTo take part
    I was engaged in a heated discussion with my boss.
    They’re all engaged in playful banter with one another.
  6. Interested inTo have interest in something
    She is not interested in cooking.
    They are not interested in studying.
    I am not interested in going to the party.
    She is interested in taking on new challenges.
  7. Involved inTo take part, to get included in an event
    She’s been involved in a lot of charity work over the years.
    He is involved in the company’s management.
    They are all involved in the conspiracy.  (This one of the best examples)
  8. Located inTo tell the position of a place
    The museum is located in the heart of the city.
    The library is located in a quiet neighborhood.
    The hospital is located in a busy part of town.
    The school is located in the suburbs.
    The store is located in a mall.
  9.  Participated inTo take part in an action or an event.
    I can’t wait to participate in the Thanksgiving Day parade.
    It was so much fun participating in the color run!
  10. Proficient inTo have skill in
    They are proficient in math.
    I am proficient in Spanish.
  11. Succeed inTo complete or finish something in a successful way
    I know you can succeed in anything you put your mind to.
    It’s not easy, but if you want to succeed in life, you have to work hard.
  12. Persist inPersist in doing something means to continue doing it even though it is difficult or you do not want to.
    She persisted in singing even though everyone was telling her to stop.
    I persist in my efforts to learn French, even though I make mistakes.
  13. Proficient inTo have skill in a particular subject area
    She is proficient in Spanish, but she is still learning French.
    I am not yet proficient in German, but I am studying hard.
  14. Aim atTo direct one’s efforts towards achieving a specific goal.
    You might aim at getting a good grade in your next history test.
    We’re aiming at improving our customer service.
    The company is aiming at becoming more environmentally friendly.
  15.  Go byTo go by means to use or follow
    You should go by the speed limit when driving.
    Her birthday went by in a blur.
    She goes by the name of Jane.
    They went by unnoticed.
  16. Decide onto choose or settle upon
    The board had to decide on a new CEO after the previous one resigned.
    A group of people might decide on a new name for their team.
    I need to decide on a dress for the party.
    We’ll have to decide on a new name for the company.
  17. Influence overThe term “influence over” is used to describe the ability of one person or entity to affect the behavior or decisions of another person or entity. This can be done through direct action, persuasion, or coercion.
    The parent company has a lot of influence over the subsidiaries.
    She quickly realized that he had a lot of influence over her life.
    The new law will have a profound influence over how people behave.
  18. Pick upTo take something from someone or to take someone from a place
    Jenny offered to pick me up from the airport, but I declined.
    When picking up a book, make sure to hold it by the spine.
    Can you pick up the pace? We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry!
  19. Away fromThe phrase is typically used to describe a location that is not near something else.
    I’m going to walk away from this room and into the next one.
    The cat ran away from the dog and under the couch.
  20. Point outTo mention or to show something to someone
    I pointed out the mistake to her.
    He pointed out a potential solution to the problem.
    I pointed out where the leak was coming from.
  21. Call for – When something is described as a “call for,” it means that it is an appeal or request for something.
    The company is calling for a new CEO.
    They are calling for volunteers to help with the event.
    I’m calling for a change in the way we do things around here.
  22. Based onAccording to Or Followin the facts of something
    The company is based on a philosophy of customer service.
    His success is based on hard work and dedication.
    Her opinion is based on personal experience.
    The decision was made based on the information available.
    We are going to proceed based on your input.
  23. Ask about – The phrase “ask about” can be defined as a request for information or an inquiry.
    I’m not sure what species this plant is – can you ask about it?
    Could you ask about the possibility of a refund?
    She was curious about his family, so she asked him about them.
  24. Accused of –  is used to describe someone who has been formally charged with a crime.
    He was accused of stealing a car.
    They are accused of tax evasion.
    She was accused of cheating on the test.
  25. According to – to indicate that something is happening or is true based on what someone has said or believes
    According to your report, the damage was caused by a fire.
    According to the forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
  26. Blame for – to hold someone responsible for something.
    He blames his parents for his messy room.
    She blames herself for not studying more.
    They blame each other for the argument.
  27. Concur with – The act of agreeing with something or someone. To have the same opinion as someone else.
    I concur with your decision.
    I do not concur with what you are saying.
    The results concur with my hypothesis.
    The data does not concur with your analysis.

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