Rakshabandhan :

Rakshabandhan : (Short Essay)

A brother is another father to every girl. He not protects us but also takes care of us every day. My brother is exactly the same. I have planned lot of things for my brother for this Rakshabandhan. He loves rasagula and I am planning to prepare the same for him. I have designed a Rakhi for him and hope he likes it. Early morning on the day of Rakshabandhan we will go to temple and central library. On the same evening, we are planning to have a get to gether with all our cousins and I hope it will be an enjoyable day. Rakshabandhan is a wonderful day for all girls who love their brothers. There is no such day that helps us the express the affection we have on our loved ones.

Rakshabandhan : (Brief Essay)

Rakshabandhan is a special. That is a special day to express a feeling of a sister to her beloved brother. It is real that a brother sister relationship is precious and it needs some recognition in society. The same has been followed in the name of Rakshabandhan.

On this day, a girl ties Rakhi to her brother and thus shows her affection on him. They prepare special sweets for their brothers. Surprise gifts will be given on this day: both brothers will gift to their sisters and vice versa.

Rakshabandhan is a great festival in north India. The festival is celebrated not only by Hindus but also by communities like Sikhs, Jains, and so on.

According to the Hindu calendar, Rakshabandhan is observed on a full moon day of the Shravan month. The day marks a strengthening of bond between a brother and a sister.

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