25 Phrases with Example Sentences – Set 2

This is another set of 25 phrases with examples. This is set 2. You can check our set 1 at https://whatistheurl.com/25-phrases-with-example-sentences/

  1. Give someone a hand – Help
    Example: Can you give me a hand with these files? They need to be organized before the meeting.

  2. Sharp – Exactly at a particular time
    Example: The meeting is scheduled for 3 PM sharp, so don’t be late.

  3. Take it easy – Relax or Slow down
    Example: You’ve been working hard all week, why don’t you take it easy this weekend?

  4. Up to the minute – Most recent news/information
    Example: I’ve been following the stock market updates up to the minute.

  5. About to – Intending to
    Example: I was about to send you the document when I realized I forgot an important detail.

  6. According to – As indicated
    Example: According to the weather report, it’s going to rain tomorrow.

  7. As a matter of fact – In reality
    Example: As a matter of fact, I already submitted the assignment last night.

  8. As long as – Provided that
    Example: You can borrow my car as long as you fill it up with gas afterward.

  9. By the way – Incidentally
    Example: By the way, did you remember to book the flight tickets for next week?

  10. All of a sudden – Quickly and Unexpectedly
    Example: All of a sudden, the power went out during the storm.

  11. Come up with – Produce or create (something), especially when pressured or challenged
    Example: The team needs to come up with a new strategy before the deadline tomorrow.

  12. Right away – Immediately
    Example: I’ll send you the report right away once I finish reviewing it.

  13. Show up – Appear
    Example: We waited for him for hours, but he never showed up.

  14. Sort of – To some extent
    Example: I’m sort of excited about the trip, but also nervous about the weather.

  15. Stick with – Continue with
    Example: If you stick with this workout routine, you’ll see great results in no time.

  16. Take care of – Keep safe
    Example: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything while you’re away on vacation.

  17. Regardless of – Without being affected by any other events or conditions
    Example: Regardless of the outcome, we need to give our best effort during the presentation.

  18. Point out – Explaining with attention
    Example: She pointed out the key differences between the two proposals during the meeting.

  19. So far – Until now
    Example: So far, the feedback on our new product has been overwhelmingly positive.

  20. Take advantage of – Make good use of the opportunity
    Example: Make sure to take advantage of the early bird discounts for the conference.

  21. Take over – An act of taking control
    Example: The new manager will take over starting next month.

  22. Up to – Indicating a maximum amount
    Example: You can invite up to 10 people to the event.

  23. Turn out – Prove to be that case
    Example: The weather turned out to be perfect for our outdoor event, despite the forecast.

  24. Work out – Possible of being solved
    Example: Don’t worry about the details now, we’ll work everything out in the planning phase.

  25. Pick up – Receive or take something
    Example: I’ll pick up the package from the post office on my way home.

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