Loan application letter to bank

A loan application letter is written by a bank customer who wants monetary assistance from the bank in the form of a loan. Since this is a request letter, it should be written in a formal and polite tone. The phrases and words in the content should be simple, short, and straightforward.





Dear Sir,

Subject: Request for a business loan

I have a current account in your bank with account no._________. I’ve maintained my credit limit and had transactions with your bank for my polymer business for the past 9 years. Now, I want to apply for a business loan that would help expand my business further.

It would be of great help if you can inform me about the loan details and formalities required for applying for the loan so that I shall make all the arrangements prior to meeting you. I wish to get the formalities done at the earliest and get my loan sanctioned.

For surety, I can pledge my office land documents, if required as per norms. Kindly let me know a good time to meet you so that we can discuss it to proceed with the loan.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely.


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