Shapes Names with Pictures

Shapes Names

We have prepared a list of words with pictures based on Shapes Names.  You can download PDF below.

Words on the chart: Circle, Semi circle, Oval, Square, Rectangle, Diamond, Right triangle, Triangle, Rhombus,cross,Pentagon,Hexagon, Heptagon,Octagon, Star, Decagon, Dodecagon, Parallelogram, Trapezoid, Heart, Cylinder, Cube, Cuboid, Isosceles triangle, Crescent, Arrow, Plus, Minus, Multiplication, Division.

Download: Chart on Shapes Names

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Related Download : Download Printable Shapes Flash Cards

Shapes Names
This screenshots is a representation of shapes names given in the PDF.

This shapes poster shows various shapes and their names in English. It is a useful tool for teaching children about different shapes and their properties. It can also help students who are learning about geometry and measurement.

The poster has a white background and the shapes are in different colors. The shapes are arranged in a grid-like manner, with multiple rows columns. The poster covers both two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, as well as some symbols and signs. The shapes included are:

  • Circle: A round shape with no corners or sides. The distance from the center to any point on the circle is the same.
  • Semi-circle: Half of a circle.
  • Oval: A shape that looks like a stretched circle. It has no corners or sides.
  • Square: A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
  • Diamond: A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal. It is also called a rhombus.
  • Rectangle: A shape with four sides and four right angles. The opposite sides are equal.
  • Right triangle: A shape with three sides and one right angle. The side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse.
  • Isosceles triangle: A shape with three sides and two equal angles. The two sides opposite to the equal angles are also equal.
  • Rhombus: A shape with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal. It is also called a diamond.
  • Star: A shape with five or more points that radiate from a center.
  • Pentagon: A shape with five sides and five angles.
  • Hexagon: A shape with six sides and six angles.
  • Heptagon: A shape with seven sides and seven angles.
  • Octagon: A shape with eight sides and eight angles.
  • Heart: A shape that resembles the symbol of love. It is made of two semi-circles and a triangle.
  • Decagon: A shape with ten sides and ten angles.
  • Dodecagon: A shape with twelve sides and twelve angles.
  • Parallelogram: A shape with four sides and opposite sides that are parallel and equal.
  • Trapezoid: A shape with four sides and one pair of parallel sides.
  • Crescent: A shape that looks like a curved moon. It is made of two circles with different radii.
  • Cylinder: A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases and a curved surface.
  • Cube: A three-dimensional shape with six square faces.
  • Cuboid: A three-dimensional shape with six rectangular faces.
  • Arrow: A symbol that indicates direction or movement. It is made of a line and a triangle.
  • Plus: A symbol that represents addition or positive sign. It is made of two perpendicular lines.
  • Minus: A symbol that represents subtraction or negative sign. It is made of a horizontal line.
  • Multiplication: A symbol that represents multiplication or cross product. It is made of two diagonal lines.
  • Division: A symbol that represents division or fraction. It is made of a horizontal line and two dots.

Using such posters can help children and students to learn and remember the names and properties of different shapes. It can also enhance their visual and spatial skills, as well as their creativity and imagination. Such posters can be used in classrooms, homes, or online platforms.

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