A Story on People who live in glass houses should not throw stones

Last Updated on April 6, 2022

You can read the story below.

John was always a very judgmental person. He would sit back and criticize others for the slightest things. He was always quick to judge people and he never hesitated to voice his opinions. He believed that he was better than everyone else and that he had the right to judge them.

However, John never realized that he is also a regular human who can make mistakes. He would always criticize others for their faults, but he never took a look at himself. He never realized that he was just as guilty of the same things that he was criticizing others for.

John’s friends and family would often tell him that he needed to stop being so judgmental, but John never listened. He thought that he was always right and that everyone else was wrong. However, John’s perspective changed one day when he was caught judging someone who was much worse than him.

John and his friend James were walking down the street one day. They saw a homeless person sitting in the street. John began complaining again as soon as he saw him. John said the homeless person is extremely lazy, which is why he lives in such a way. James, however, said something patiently. I’m not sure why a homeless person’s life is like this. Perhaps he is lazy. Nevertheless, you are lazy and tend to criticize others as well. He asked if he knew that. John was shocked to learn this. However, he soon realized what he said.  His friend’s words prompted him to think.

After that day, John’s perspective changed. He realized he had to start looking inside before he judged others. Having realized that he is also living in a glass house, he decided to not cast stones at others’ houses.

Thanks for reading the story.  If you want to write essay or get idea on writing essay on this topic, you can read here Essay on People Who Live in Glass Houses Should not Throw Stones